Our Commitment To Education and Health in Burundi


•  Promotion of safe water and improving nutrition.

•  Educate people in the villages about safe motherhood. 

•  Educate and help to treat sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and reproductive health cancers (cervical and breast). 

•  Sexual and reproductive health and family planning (use of contraception). 

•  Promote sexual and reproductive health awareness among all people in the villages. 

•  Provide village workshops about adolescent health and counseling. 

•  Teach life saving skills and first aid to people in the villages. 

•  Help people to improve personal hygiene and promotion of healthy lifestyles. 

•  Encourage villagers to construct and use pit latrines in the village. 



•  Provide basic medical and dental care services. 

•  Vaccinations 

•  Emergency/trauma unit 

•  Men’s ward; women’s ward 

•  Birthing center 

•  Pediatric ward 

•  Laboratory 

•  Pharmacy 

•  Provide basic essential maternal care. 

•  Provide and administer prevention and treatment medications. 

•  (By partnering with MAP’S Smart Money Program, Hearts Without Borders takes your donations to purchase medicine and can multiply one dollar given, which is equal to $84, which can purchase $700 worth of medication. See


Treatment, prevention, and education is desperately needed for:


•  Malaria 

•  Unclean Water 

•  Rabies 

•  Typhoid Fever 

•  Tetanus 

•  Tuberculosis 

•  Measles 

•  Poor hygiene and sanitation 

•  Sexually transmitted infections 

•  High Rate of maternal death during child birth


Health facts about Burundi

•  The average life span in Burundi is 57 years.

•  The average wage earner makes less than $10 per day and therefore does not have access to transportation.

•  There aren’t medical services available in the northern provinces of Burundi to those without readily available transportation.

•  One out of five children die before the age of 5. 

•  90 % of those who die from Malaria are young children. Malaria kills an African child every 30 seconds.

•  80% of the world’s 40 million displaced persons are women and children.

•  Every minute, 1 woman dies in pregnancy or during childbirth – or an estimated 529,000 each year.

•  Almost half of all childbirth deliveries take place without the assistance of a trained midwife or medical personnel.

•  Of the over 20 million women with HIV/AIDS, 70% are between the ages of 15 and 25 years old.

•  Women and girls account for almost 60% of all HIV/AIDS cases.

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